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Yearly Archives


Myth of Omega – new Omegaverse couple; the OWN Trilogy

By Excerpts, News, Progress Updates
As I've said before, I've always planned for there to be three couples in the Myth of Omega series, and now that the second couple is wrapped up, we finally get to meet the last hero and heroine. The hero was first introduced in Reign To Ravage; shinno Kardos, a barbarian Alpha from the Southern Lands looking to make an alliance with King Malloron. The heroine we don't meet until Reign To Rule, and she is a servant who no…
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Dark Surrender Reading Challenge 2019

By News No Comments
The reading challenge for those who love their reads darker and dirtier than the norm! One of the things I missed most in 2018 was being able to read as often and widely as I wanted to. I used to blog about my favorite monthly reads, but last year I hardly read at all! Although I still read some absolute gems, it was a terrible year for having time to read in general. I was chatting about this to fellow…
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A moment to be thankful

By Writing 8 Comments
This time last year I was preparing for the release of Crave To Conquer, and hoping it would sell at least one copy other than the preorders of a couple of friends lol. 2018 marked the birth of the series, and it's impossible to plan ahead without looking back and appreciating the whirlwind that came about because of its creation and existence. That whirlwind manifested a lot of things, some incredible and some ugly, but one thing is for sure,…
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